Thursday, June 9, 2011

How Much Zinc for Fertility?

How much zinc for fertility? What does the research studies show?

There are minerals, supplements and herbal remedies that have been used to enhance fertility in both men and women.

Zinc is one such commonly discussed mineral. Indeed, there are research studies done in animals to show that a deficiency in zinc can impair sperm motility and quality. But are there any studies done in humans to show this to be the case?

We did locate one such study that looked at how zinc might be helpful in boosting sperm count:

Effects of folic acid and zinc sulfate on male factor subfertility: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
Wong WY, et al.
Fertil Steril. 2002 Mar;77(3):491-8.

One hundred and eight men who do not have fertility problems and 103 men who are subfertile were recruited in this clinical trial.
They were randomly assigned to either take a placebo (sugar pill), folic acid, zinc and zinc plus folic acid for 26 weeks. The researchers collected blood levels and sperm for analysis both before and after the volunteers underwent the treatment.

What the researchers found was that men with lower fertility showed a remarkable 74% increase in total normal sperm with a zinc and folic acid supplement. This benefit was also seen in healthy fertile men (though not as dramatic).

The conclusion from the researchers was that taking zinc and folic acid supplement significantly improve sperm count in both healthy and infertile men.

Dose of zinc to use

In this study, the volunteers took 5 mg of folic acid and 66 mg of zinc. Check your multivitamin that you currently take as it may have enough of it. If not, you can always top-up with a folic acid and zinc supplement. They don't cost very much at all.

Herbs to increase fertility?

We have created a very detailed list of Natural Remedies to Boost Fertility that is worth reading. There you will discover many other natural supplements that work well for increasing the chance of conceiving.

Foods to eat to boost fertility?

Did you know that what you eat could impact your fertility? Find out what foods to eat and what not to eat in this informative article Fertility Diet.

What is the best herb for boosting fertility?

While there are many combination natural remedies out there, the one that stands out is Fertile XX and XY specifically designed for men and women. It is a professionally formulated natural remedy that include herbs shown to be helpful in boosting fertility. They have a customized formulation for men and another one for women.

It is a very popular natural supplement for couples trying to conceive as the company backs their products up unconditionally. There are many satisfied customers who have used the product.